Tuesday, September 1, 2009


SmartBoard Lessons Podcast is a really great podcast to listen to. It was easy to listen to and very interesting. The speakers were very funny and sounded happy about what they were talking about. It talks about different things to do at the end of the year with your class. I like that the podcast incorporated everyday movies in to the conversation. Like they used the movie Mean Girls and how in this movie there was math used in it. Mean Girls had math formulas on the blackboard in the background and this podcast mentioned was to use movies during your math lessons. It told us to go and watch movies and try and find math in them. This podcast also mentioned a website called teachersconnecting.com which let teachers talk back and forth about helpful ideas and resources to use in the classroom.

KidCast had a lot of information to share. this podcast was talking about conferences mainly. KidCast allows teachers to have conferences as a media channel. This way everyone at the conference can participate and give ideas and resources that they have. This is another way for teachers to help each other. This podcast was spoken more professionally than the SmartBoard Lessons Podcast. I liked how this podcast gave us ways to teach. Like using visual aids to teach word problems which are a hard subject for students. I really enjoyed this podcast and the information will be helpful in teaching.

This Week in Photography was like a talk show. This podcast was recorded in Canada. The hosts were really excited and friendly. This podcast seemed as if it was planned out. The host got right to the point on what they were going to talk about. They told the audience straight forward what they were going to speak about and didn't jump around and make you get lost. I think that this podcast will be very useful. It gave helpful information about different cameras and how to use them.

MacBreak Weekly was another talk show type podcast. But this one did not get straight to the point of what they were going to speak about, like This Week In Photography did. It was a bit confusing and I was lost. It was hard to follow ans wasn't very helpful to me. It was like the hosts were talking and joking around the whole time and forgot they had to speak on a topic. They never got to a direct point. I didn't really like this podcast!! SORRY!!

After listening to each of these podcasts, I found that podcast will be an important tool to use throughout education. It helps to communicate with other teachers and find new and exciting was of teaching. Podcast are FUNNN!!!:)

1 comment:

  1. Excellent review. I like your use of color on your blog, but.... be careful with your color choices. The light pink on the dark pink background really hurt the eyes while reading. Either white or yellow would have been a better text color choice. You want the content of your blog noticed, not so much the background. Proof read your blog. Paragraph two, second sentence... "information to share. this podcast" Otherwise, very good. Keep up the good work.
