Sunday, August 23, 2009

Next Generation Learning

Harry makes a very good point on this video. It really makes since about learning and how technology helps students learn. Technology, I believe, is going to be the number one tool for students in the future. Technology will become very important in the future for students. As Harry mentions technology improves concentration because the students have an opportunity to get up out of their desks and actually explore and research using technology.
Digital cameras are very helpful for capturing creative learning opportunities and music increases skills and understanding with technology. I also think blogs are helpful by letting others blog to your reflections and students get to help each other learn. I really thought it was cool that Harry's school let their students check out laptops if they did not own one. That would be really useful for children in low income homes. Digital cameras are also cool to use cause as Harry says they bring projects to life!!

1 comment:

  1. Good job Heather. Don't forget, a good paragraph is 6-8 sentences long. Keep up the good work.
