We had to read three lists for our EDM assignments. They were titled Seven Stupid Mistakes and seven Brilliant Things Teachers Do with Technology and last New Classroom Rules. We then had to pick out the two most important from each of the three lists. I chose two rules from New Classroom Rules by Education Innovation and two things from Seven Brilliant Things Teachers Do with Technology and two from Seven Stupid Mistakes by Doug Johnson.
I liked rule number one and rule number two from
New Classroom Rules. The first rule was "come to school everyday, unless you would rather just go on line" by Education Innovation. I think this rule is very important. I believe it is stating that you should go to class everyday or don't sign up to take a class. It is very important to go to class everyday because the teacher covers so much information and you need to be there to hear everything he/she says. The teacher can not explain material through email as well as he/she may be able to do in person. Another reason to go to class everyday is because teachers count participation points into your final grade. Therefore, if you are not there you can not receive these types of points.
The second rule on the list of rules from New Classroom Rules was "Come to class on time, or log into your online class anytime day or night, whenever it is most convenient for you." I think this is a great rule because students should always arrive to class on time or earlier than class starts. It is so disrespectful to walk in a classroom when the teacher is lecturing. Coming to class late affects the teacher as well as the other students. You should always remember to show respect to your classmates and your teachers. Therefore, show up on time!!
In Doug Johnson's list of
Seven Brilliant Things Teachers Do With Technology, my two favorites are number four and number six. Number four on his list states, "Put kids in touch with the world." I think this statement means that students should communicate with the whole world. They should not just be focused on one culture or their own world around them. I think students should be encouraged to learn about different cultures and learn to respect people of other cultures. Technology is a great way for students to communicate with other people from around the world. Students should be networked!!!
Number six from the Seven Brilliant Things Teachers Do with Technology states, "Use the kids' own devices to teach them." I believe students are the most up to date users of technology. The students usually know a lot more about the different types of technology than the teachers do. Therefore, encourage the children to use all the different types of technology to learn. Let them teach you and vise versa. Using the technology that students already know about will make it more exciting to learn because they already know how to use the technology. They just have to put it to use in the classrooms.
On Doug's list of Seven Stupid Mistakes Teachers Make With Technology, my two favorites are numbers three and five. Number three from the list states, "Not supervising computer-using students." I think this is true. A lot of teachers do not supervise their students while they use the computer. I think this is a very bad mistake. Some computers do not filter out all of the bad information or bad pictures. Therefore, the students will be watching things they should not be watching. Teachers should tell the students what to exactly look up and monitor them the whole time they use the computer. Number five from the list states, "Believing that one's teaching style need not change to take full advantage of technology." I think this also true. Most teachers that have been teaching for a long period of time do not use technology. I think this is a very big mistake because technology is very important in today's society. Teachers should learn how to use technology and incorporate it into their lectures.
All three of these list were very helpful and very interesting. You should go to these websites and view all of the statements in these lists.